Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Yes We Can Pitch It...Getting the Message Out

Why me? Why us? Why now?

These formed the central questions of today's lesson as we transitioned from plan to action. We continued work in our WOW! groups and have really begun to chisel out the details.
  • We started our day off with a game. We told each other where we come from as we tossed a yeast-filled bag around the circle. This activity made us think about the major influences in our life. Most of us named Boston (local pride!), our myriad of cultural heritages and our parents as the factors that have shaped who we are.
  • Next, we broke out into our WOW! groups. We still have a campaign going for soap in the bathrooms and a plan to implement a study hall, but this week, three students broke off to brainstorm on school uniforms. We continued our work from last week and completed our action plans. It was wonderful to see every one so involved in drafting these plans, building off last week's ideas to solidify our vision for the rest of the semester.
  • The main part of the day, though, was formulating our pitches. We have been excited about our WOW! projects for quite some time now, so our job today was to get everyone else excited, too. We worked on answering "Why me? Why us? Why now?" Emma, our guest for the day, filmed some of us as we presented these pitches. Our major take-away: make it personal and be creative!
  • We ended the day with a brief discussion on feedback. As we work on these projects, we must learn to give and respond to constructive criticism. We will work more on applying this lesson in the weeks to come.
All in all, we are having a great time. We are feeling inspired and ready to inspire!

Catch you soon!
~Your Social Outreach Team

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