Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Leadership Revolution

This past week has been one replete with meetings for those within the Leadership Institute. And in the midst of all of our conversations and presentations, I arrived at an illuminating thought that poses an answer to the question, “What would the world be like if all of its citizens were leaders?”

Now, I must admit that this question is seemingly anticlimactic. After all, everyone already knows that a world with leaders is a good thing. But I argue that the pervasiveness of this universal truth is the result of an unfortunately abstract understanding of leadership. Most of us, if not all of us, have had it pounded into our heads throughout childhood that we should not relegate ourselves to being perpetual followers. But I do not think that as children we all understood exactly why this is so.

So I return to the question posed above: “What would the world be like if all of its citizens were leaders?” If every single individual – young and old, man and woman, black and white, rich and poor – were a leader, each person would recognize his/her inherent claim to human agency, then realize the need for change and the potential for progress. Once this crucial step has been taken, all would be eager to take the initiative required to enact change.

Just envision this. In such a world, everyone, not just those with institutional power, would respond to acts of violence, human suffering, the need for a greener society, vast economic disparities, and all other forms of injustice. We would be so thoroughly incited to action that we simply would not be able to contain ourselves.

Leadership is a powerful, life-changing force. This is what the Social Outreach team strives to show this generation’s children. So as we endeavor to equip children with the confidence and capacity to lead, to take the world into their gentle little hands and mold it, I urge you to join the movement.

Yours Truly,
The Social Outreach Team

[Posted by Ujunwa Anakwenze]

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